Thursday, December 26, 2013

It's Tebors Birthday Today!!!

The CR Boys

These are the Members of the TIS KOS Gamers Clan Members now. Its been a year since the Level-up Games put of KOS games on their game list. They are now playing AF, GTA online , DOTA and facebook based games.

They make a stroll on the city and have fun Taking a Pose on Mall Comfort Rooms and they posted it on their facebook. I notice it and now baptised them as the CR Boyz.

Happy new Year to all........
To LevelUp Games..... Hope you will put back KOS online we already invested a lot of money on that game and work hard to have a high level Characters..... You are just thinking of money on your side you are not thingking of the fun that it brings to us......You sucks for putting it out of line..